Kaizen Tools
5S (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke)
Having a clean, orderly and organized working area is fundamental to achieve higher productivity, quality and safety in a good working environment.
5S not only improves the visual aspect but it will also reduce waste and non value added activities (such as looking for things or walking distances repeatedly).
The improvements achieved in 5S will reduce the stress and frustration of the workers in their everyday tasks and the improved aspect of the working environment motivates people to be more efficient.
5S also helps you easily detect any deviations from the standard in the workplace.
Our training is 10% theory 90% In situ.
Methodology developed by JES based on the traditional manufacturing principles used in Japan that states that everything is in the Genba (work place), Genbutsu (actual objects involved or evidence) and Genbutsu (facts, meaning statistics and data). By understanding the problem and how it occurs, we can find the root cause and eliminate the problem.
We recommend starting with this methodology before using the traditional tools such as “Why Why Analysis” or P-M Analysis. 6 Ghen helps us follow a logic in analyzing and solving problems. Once you become familiar with that thought process, the other techniques will seem easier.
We can proudly say that we have achieved surprising results through this methodology even with people who tried it for the first time and had no experience with other Kaizen methods.
This training is designed to be carried out 90% in Genba.
Physical-Mechanical Analysis is the full name of this methodology. When you have been able to reduce the incidence of a breakdown or defect but still cannot get rid of that last <1%…that is when you need to apply a P-M Analysis.
In this workshop, we will go through the steps of the analysis understanding the interaction between the physical and mechanical forces that make that problem occur.
This training is designed to be 40% theory, 60% practical.
Hoshin Kanri comes from “Hoshin,” which in Japanese means “the direction we as a company should take and the how” whereas “Kanri” means management.
This is a strategic planning methodology aimed for the top management and managers.
Creating a shared strategic vision, aligning and involving all TPM pillars and establishing specific goals that are translated into measurable indicators is what Hoshin Kanri is about. In the end, every person in the company has to understand exactly what is expected from them so that they can contribute in the achievement of the company goals.
Makigami in Japanese means “Scroll” or a “rolled paper”. It is a “Mieru-ka” (make visible) tool that allows us to visibly understand and identify the problems (losses) in administrative processes. This practical course will help the company reduce 50% of administrative losses and times.
This training is 15% theory 85% practical.
Single Minute Exchange of Die is a series of techniques that make it possible to set up equipment for a format change in less than 9 minutes and 59 seconds (hence the Single minute).
By using the SMED techniques correctly, you will be able to reduce approximately 40-50% of your format changes or sanitary washing times in the first round.
This training is 20% theory 80% practical.
Another “Mieruka” (make visible) tools that will make areas of opportunities in the manufacturing process visible for cost reduction, process re-design and lead time reduction.
It helps us understand all factors that block the ideal manufacturing process. Areas of opportunities become visible, bottle necks are exposed and processes will flow smoother by improving the interaction between people and machines.
20% theory 80% Practical
In this training we will design and start compiling data from manufacturing and create the loss tree structure with SAP. This training links the functions of the PP, PM and QM modules. It is designed for the leaders of continuous improvement, production planners and users of the SAP system.
50% theory 50% practical
Inventory management course to plan and control inventories of all type to guarantee service level and reduce costs.
- Cross matric
- ABC matrix
- 5S and FIFO
- Kanban
- JIT (Just in Time)
50% theory 50% Practical
How to correctly make a QA and QM matrix. This is a fundamental tool in the Quality Maintenane pillar that allows you to analyze the quality defects. This tools helps us identify where the defects are generated and the interaction between equipment parts, materials and process points.
20% theory 80% practical